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April 5, 2019 - 8:04pm

We came, we sang, we Regional Contest this year!  The chorus arrived, like most of the competitors, at the Greenspoint Hilton, in time to watch our quartets, Mama Made Me Duet and Reunion Street, compete in the quartet contest.  Congratulations to Mama Made Me Duet on their 4th...

March 19, 2019 - 9:27am

Saturday, February 23, 2019 - an auspicious day for Houston Horizon. Our amazing coach, Ruth Ann Parker, spent the day working with us on preparing us for representing Region 10 at International Competition this coming September. What a treat to spend the day learning and singing with Ruth Ann...

February 23, 2019 - 6:44pm

Houston Horizon had the fabulous Janie Macchiaroli come and do riser placement this past Tuesday. A fascinating process to see how different voices in different places make the sound change completely. We're thrilled with our new spots and cannot wait to share the sound with our Region 10...

February 4, 2019 - 10:46am

Tuesday, January 22, HHC had some visitors from our region.  Kaye Pledge, Team Coordinator, and Mary Ann Wydra, Education Faculty, came for a visit and we had a great time!  Kaye was there to help us understand what...

January 8, 2019 - 1:26pm

Christmas from the 1940's came from the studios of Radio K-H-H-C during the chorus annual Christmas show.  Everyone dressed in their best 1940's Christmas outfits, including our Christmas chorus members!  We had the Andrews Sisters quartet, the...

December 2, 2018 - 12:56pm

HHC competed in the second annual Rice Village Sing-Off for the Rice Village Christmas Tree lighting on Nov 28th.  Even though we didn't win the competition, we did make it to the final round and received lots of...

November 11, 2018 - 6:07pm

Congratulations are in order for director, Janet Burnett, who was honored with her 50 year pin for membership in Sweet Adelines.  She received her pin at the recent international competition week in St Louis along with fellow Region 10 honorees, Darlene Rogers and Mary Hower.   What an honor for...

October 7, 2018 - 11:20am

September 25, 2018, Houston Horizon celebrated it's 37th year history with a Reunion.  And, what a fun reunion it was.  Friends from all over the place came to visit and renew friendships while new friendships were formed!  We all got on the risers and sang songs and tags together, watched a...

September 18, 2018 - 4:43pm

Tuesday, 9/11, saw us singing the National Anthem and God Bless America at the Sugar Land Skeeters baseball game. The team was honoring first responders and invited us to come and sing for them. And although the Skeeters didn't win that night, we had a great time cheering on the team and...

September 6, 2018 - 6:37pm

This past Tuesday night, HHC got to do something that has become our favorite activity at rehearsal...welcome a new member!! Welcome to our newest member, Demi Edwards! We are so glad that you are a part of us now! Looking forward to seeing you join us in all of our activities moving forward....

August 31, 2018 - 7:18pm

Houston Horizon had a fabulous time at our annual retreat this past weekend at Moody Gardens. And, here's the proof of all that fun! Our coach, Lynda Keever, helped us grow into our new ballad. Fun was had by all! Come by on Tuesday evenings and see what all the fun is about!

August 10, 2018 - 12:01pm

Rehearsal this week saw lots of friends back on the risers....welcome back!  Plus an audition for a new member!  Things are rockin' along here at HHC!!  Come and join the fun! 
