May & June - The Happening Things
Hello, everyone! Hope you are staying cool and dry these days. Boy, we don’t remember it being this hot, this early in the summer in a long time. Well, HHC has been busy over the last month. We held our annual installation ceremony, virtually, on May 18. Emily Lapouble, was the one who did our installation and she did a beautiful job! She had a musical dynamic markings that she matched with each of the Management Team members. It was a wonderful moment in the life of Houston Horizon. In addition to the awards talked about in the next paragraph, we also have some awards that this year required some subterfuge! There were husbands and friends drafted to help surprise our award winners and in order to find out about the subterfuge, check with Ellie O, Pat F, Becky H, Debbie C, Janet B and Emily L.
Then we had our first ever “Zoomy” awards ceremony! There were awards presented to members for things that have been observed about them as we’ve met on Zoom this past year. Some of the awards included: Ability to participate even when frozen, Becoming the most bionic during Zoom time, Best husband Zoom bombing, Cutest offspring visits to Zoom screen, Most pet Zoom bombing (multiple winners in this category), Best looking ceiling fan (also multiple winners), and finally, several SAI anniversaries with awardees in the 5 yr, 10 yr, 15 yr, 25 yr & 30 yr categories.
And now, on to the really HUGE news for/from HHC…we are back rehearsing LIVE!!! While we have had several hybrid rehearsals, this rehearsal was all but 6 of us in one place at one time singing together indoors! What an amazing night to be able to sing LIVE together once again. Something special that started us off was the physical warm-up done to Welcome Back, from Welcome Back, Kotter. Being able to greet everyone there, including the Zoomers, was just the thing to get us all revved up for singing. We are looking forward to continuing with live rehearsals where all of us can be together. Here’s hoping that all of you are able to do that too, if not now then in the very near future!
Until next time,
Contributed by Sara Davis
Photo captions:
Top Right: Emily Lapouble
Bottom Pics: Live Rehearsal
Flyer: Save the Date! 10/09/221 Celebrate HHC. Click on flyer pic for more details!