Houston Area Choruses Events
This page is to help keep track of events for ALL of the Houston area Barbershop/SAI Choruses.
If you would like to have an event added to this calendar, please email: [email protected] and we will update the page.
This list includes events (other than normal rehearsal nights) for:
Normal rehearsal nights for the local Sweet Adelines International (SAI) and Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) Choruses:
- Monday: The Woodlands Show Chorus (TWSC) - SAI , Katy Vocal Express Chorus (KATY) - SAI, Houston Tidelanders Chorus (TIDE) - BHS ,
- Tuesday: Houston Horizon Chorus (HHC) - SAI
- Thursday: Space City Sound Chorus (SCS) - BHS
- October 28 - November 2: SAI 76th Annual International Convention and Competition - Good luck TWSC!!
- November 23: Holiday Concert and Market HHC
- December 7: SW Houston Christmas Concert TIDE
- December 14: NW Houston Christmas Concert TIDE
- December 20: Winter Solstice: An A Cappella Holiday Concert SCS
- January 10 - 11: Winter Workshop - SAI Region 10 Great Gulf Coast
- March 12 - 23: 62nd Annual Convention & Competition - SAI Region 10 Great Gulf Coast
- June 20 - 21: Summer Splash - SAI Region 10 Great Gulf Coast
- June 29 - July 6: BHS International Convention
- September 19 - 20: Fall Fling - SAI Region 10 Great Gulf Coast
- October 20 - 25: SAI 77th Annual International Convention & Competition